Kategori: English

  • Before start

    At this point we aim to create a mutual understanding of the project and what should be deliver, this results in a mission statement anda time plan. We agree to start working together.

  • Project starts

    During the initial phase we investigate the subject and interview project stakeholders to gather information, this lets us make a thorough analysis of the task. We have number of creative tools to help us approach the concept development in a structured and time efficient way. Brainstorming session In-house prototyping Personas User-scenario testing Expert opinion This […]

  • Production

    Edison said that ”Creativity is 1% inspiration and 99 perspiration” and he is right. It is time so start filling out the conceptual  framework with text graphics and technical solutions. In this creative phase we have a number of techniques to helps the creativity flowing: Early user testing Iterative production processes Bunker mode, when we […]

  • Testing

    We like to test everything we produce on real people. We perform user-centered testing of material and technological solutions whenever possible.

  • Delivery

    When all of the above steps are complete we proudly deliver the high quality material on time. 

  • Follow up

    This is an essential tool for us to learn about the customer and the final recipients. This feedback continuously makes us and our process better.

  • Product training workshop in China

    Volvo Competence Development How do you say ”pimp my ride” in Chinese? Rising volumes of sales and lots of newly hired staff had created a need for better knowledge of selling accessories at Volvo retailers in China. 2011 we where given the assigment to go to Shanghai and deliver a newly devloped training material to […]

  • V40 internal launch

    Volvo Cars Competence Development Technology turned into insights Before the global launch of the All new V40, Volvo staff from all markets where invited to a “train the trainer” session at the Hellered test facility. We where invited to be part of the team who planned and executed the session. We had the role of […]

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